Upgrading Your 3Com U.S. Robotics Modem ======================================= Make sure your modem is offline before attempting the upgrade. 1. Run the UPGRADE.EXE program located in the C:\3Com directory. 2. The program will locate the U.S. Robotics x2 modem in your system. When prompted, click the FLASH! button to perform the upgrade. 3. Once your modem is successfully upgraded, click the Quit button. 4. Shutdown and restart Windows 95/NT. 5. If your modem is set to Plug and Play mode (the default), Windows will identify your modem as a new device. When prompted for a device driver, indicate that you have a manufacturer's disk and instruct Windows to look in the C:\3Com directory. Repeat when prompted for a serial wave driver. 6. If your modem is jumpered to a particular IRQ/COMM setting, you need to remove the previous modem configuration and create a new one. Open the Control Panel and start the Modems applet. Remove the existing modem, then click the Add button to install your "new" modem. When prompted for the driver disk, indicate that you have a manufacturer's disk and instruct Windows to look in the C:\3Com directory. If the UPGRADE program doesn't find your modem, make sure you downloaded the correct upgrade program for your modem. Double-check the firmware date in your modem with the list on the 3Com's 56K modem upgrade page.